Saturday, December 31, 2005
learn to swim
California is getting the Katrina treatment. The story is here.excerpt...
Even Pasadena's Rose Parade was in danger of rain on Monday. The parade has had dry days for half a century, but float builders were still prepared to roll out sheets of clear plastic to protect delicate flowers.
"I'd hate to be selfish to ask God just for this favor, but I came far to help decorate and see the parade for the first time," Jean Steadman, 79, of Georgetown, Texas, she said as she gathered yellow roses for a safari-themed float.
Well, it's good to know while lives are at risk, people are being hurt, and businesses and property are being destroyed, some people are keeping in mind what's really important.
Monday, December 19, 2005
iran, iran, so far away....couldn't get away
To quote Rudy Ray Moore, aka Dolemite, "Bitch, are you for real?"from yahoo news...bush defends...
Bush was cool toward investigations, saying, "An open debate would say to the enemy, `Here is what we're going to do.' And this is an enemy which adjusts." He said the administration had consulted with Congress more than a dozen times.
translation: Shut the fuck up. I know what's good for you. You can't step to this.
On another issue, Bush acknowledged that a pre-war failure of intelligence — claiming Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction — has complicated the U.S. ability to confront other potential emerging threats such as Iran.
"Where it is going to be most difficult to make the case is in the public arena," Bush said. "People will say, if we're trying to make the case on Iran, `Well, if the intelligence failed in Iraq, therefore, how can we trust the intelligence on Iran?'"
translation: Get ready for more sand, we're going to Iran! Bring it on!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
more than meets the eye
so while the pentagon is spying on protest groups, and the king of america, dubya, is allowing the NSA to spy on american citizens...the japanese are, again, making really cool things like robots while we fight over the festivals of invisible buddies.here's the Qrio, built by Sony.
If it drops a box while carrying it, the robot can find the box, pick it up by recognizing the edges and corners, and deliver it again to a pre-registered location.
The updated robot can also recognize colors, human faces and movements of objects and register whether a face is turning.
"The evolution is a part of our efforts to improve the intelligence of our robot technology," said Yuichi Hattori, a section manager of Sony Robot Company on Friday.
"Evolution? Don't you mean Intelligent Design?" Cause what America really wants to know is, "What God do these robots praise?", "How much faith do they have, and are they pro-life, pro-erection medicine, and do they say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?"
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
the big 3-0
"Don't look so surprised /Happy birthday...fucker"
it's my birthday, I'm now 30.
War on christmas update: Today I heard a "christmas" carol in which a small child, jimmy, prayed to santa to make it snow. Santa answered jimmy's prayers and it did indeed snow. So i guess there are...christmas-insurgents, grinch sympathizers (grinchees, grinchers maybe?), and santa-rists, out there using cheaply recorded holiday covers to spread the secular agenda.
and while Jesusland is preoccupied with that bullshit, the japanese are doing really cool things like making robots
which you can see in a yahoo slideshow here.
also, an article on Honda's Asimo robot (which is pretty amazing.) The red devil has provided a link to a guide on surviving the coming robot rebellion. But what's the point? You can't fight it. It's coming. And it doesn't matter how many monkeys or ninjas or pirates you have...it's useless.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Huey keeps it real.and some classic seinfeld...
KRAMER: No, I didn't make these bagels. (Jerry and George both take a bite) Yeah, they're day-olds. The homeless won't even touch them. (Jerry and George stop eating) Oh, we try to fool them by putting a few fresh ones on top, but they dig.. they, they test.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
let go, let god
Harold Pinter's nobel prize acceptance speech is here.excerpt:
I know that President Bush has many extremely competent speech writers but I would like to volunteer for the job myself. I propose the following short address which he can make on television to the nation. I see him grave, hair carefully combed, serious, winning, sincere, often beguiling, sometimes employing a wry smile, curiously attractive, a man's man.
'God is good. God is great. God is good. My God is good. Bin Laden's God is bad. His is a bad God. Saddam's God was bad, except he didn't have one. He was a barbarian. We are not barbarians. We don't chop people's heads off. We believe in freedom. So does God. I am not a barbarian. I am the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy. We are a compassionate society. We give compassionate electrocution and compassionate lethal injection. We are a great nation. I am not a dictator. He is. I am not a barbarian. He is. And he is. They all are. I possess moral authority. You see this fist? This is my moral authority. And don't you forget it.'
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Jihad on christmas!
So on FoxNews, that black guy who has that show said..oh wait, there are no black people with their own show on FoxNews, I forget..anyway, there's a WAR ON CHRISTMAS! Because Christians have conqured homelessness, injustice in the world, and pedophile priests, it's time to conqure real problems of the day. Yes, batten down the nativities, born-again pirates, and sharpen your christ-katanas, ninjas of faith, cause THEM, you know, THE SECULARLEFTWINGPRAISERSOFSATANSCOCK have once again assailed upon Jesus' birthday or Santa's night of breaking and entering, whatever. Well, this is of cource complete and utter bullshit but I for one, welcome this war on christmas, I wish there was one. Why? A couple of reasons. The first being christmas carols I have to hear at work. The most irritating one being a lascivious detailing of a woman's affection for alt.binaries.sex.mature.invisiblefriends.withbeards. The lyrics describe how every "little girl wants to sit on santa's knee", how he "sure is cute for his age", and that santa should stay awhile cause who needs the elves and reindeer for sex when you have the singer drooling over his corpulent, senior citizen body. "Are those spider veins? Oh, that's so hot!" Santa's bag is full of toys this year, and by toys, I mean "adult novelty items". Santa knows the shocker, ladies, yes he does.Boy, there's nothing better than hearing christmas songs translated into modern popculture like hip-hop versions of " jingle bells", and ethnic-techno remixes of "let it snow". Bring your glowsticks and blow your whistles, it's time to dance and rave in the spirit of the season while shopping for that perfect gift....which brings me to my next reason there should be a big glowing, nuclear, earthcrushing, jihad on Christmas, namely shoppers.
Ah, nothing like trying to be the best gift-giver and host to holiday, sorry, CHRISTMAS, guests to bring out the cruel, savage, greedy, and intolerant monster in all those bored, lonely middle-age housewives. Gollum and his little ring-trinket pale in comparison to the insatiable lust for holiday perfection these depraved consumers need now, now, now! They lie about when they were told the items would arrive in order to force us to try and make them special "customer service issues". They verbally abuse the sales associates on the floor. They cry, scream, and throw up when they don't have their way. It's insane to see the middle to upper class go crazy over furniture made in third world countries by "artisans". I have to say, I watched with amazement and delight as I watched security camera footage of shoppers in a melee over sale items. Punching, gouging, and kicking their way to the top of the consumer dogpile. Truly, they have earned evolution's brass ring. Finally, the beast, in it's madness, eats itself. So "bring it on", i want "total victory" in this war on christmas and I want it now, now, now!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Friday, I hung eight paintings at the Art Rage Us 2 show at the Aids Resource Center. Saturday, I went to an art show, artconspiracy at the Texas Theatre, where Lee Harvey Oswald was nabbed. Lots of hip people there. Plenty of thich black framed glasses. It was in Oak cliff on Jefferson street. The buildings and shops on the street reminded me of 15th-17th streets between 6th and 7th in manhattan. Lots of bargain stores there as well. Saw Leah, whom i went to grade school with. Billy, Scott, and Jim from the art group where there as well. 100+ artists painted on 18 by 18 inch panels and they were auctioned off for charity. It was art for a good cause plus it was good to see art being available beyond the gallery scene. I sometimes worry that art will lose it's relevance for most people and become exclusively a hobby for the rich. Nice to see there are different avenues for the people to acqure art.here's a webding from photoshop. Anti-pirate? I just thought it was funny that Adobe thought "Yes, we must have an anti-pirate symbol in photoshop!"