Sunday, December 18, 2005

more than meets the eye

so while the pentagon is spying on protest groups, and the king of america, dubya, is allowing the NSA to spy on american citizens...the japanese are, again, making really cool things like robots while we fight over the festivals of invisible buddies.
here's the Qrio, built by Sony.
If it drops a box while carrying it, the robot can find the box, pick it up by recognizing the edges and corners, and deliver it again to a pre-registered location.
The updated robot can also recognize colors, human faces and movements of objects and register whether a face is turning.
"The evolution is a part of our efforts to improve the intelligence of our robot technology," said Yuichi Hattori, a section manager of Sony Robot Company on Friday.

"Evolution? Don't you mean Intelligent Design?" Cause what America really wants to know is, "What God do these robots praise?", "How much faith do they have, and are they pro-life, pro-erection medicine, and do they say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?"


At 7:25 AM , Blogger GC said...

They look pretty shifty...I bet they're all about the erection medicine....

At 9:21 PM , Blogger rp said...

they are...more people, more slaves for the coming assimilation. them pirates better get more cannons.

At 7:17 AM , Blogger GC said...

It's ok....we have the FSM on our side. All praise the FSM!


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