Sunday, December 04, 2005


Friday, I hung eight paintings at the Art Rage Us 2 show at the Aids Resource Center. Saturday, I went to an art show, artconspiracy at the Texas Theatre, where Lee Harvey Oswald was nabbed. Lots of hip people there. Plenty of thich black framed glasses. It was in Oak cliff on Jefferson street. The buildings and shops on the street reminded me of 15th-17th streets between 6th and 7th in manhattan. Lots of bargain stores there as well. Saw Leah, whom i went to grade school with. Billy, Scott, and Jim from the art group where there as well. 100+ artists painted on 18 by 18 inch panels and they were auctioned off for charity. It was art for a good cause plus it was good to see art being available beyond the gallery scene. I sometimes worry that art will lose it's relevance for most people and become exclusively a hobby for the rich. Nice to see there are different avenues for the people to acqure art.

here's a webding from photoshop. Anti-pirate? I just thought it was funny that Adobe thought "Yes, we must have an anti-pirate symbol in photoshop!"


At 6:45 AM , Blogger Bill said...

That is beacuse Photoshop employs Tech Support Ninjas....and Ninjas are the eternal advisary of Pirates.

In fact, I think the battle between Pirates and Ninjas began on the 8th day, when God woke up with a massive hangover... He than surveyed what he had created on days 1 - 6 and celebrated for on the 7th and realized it sucked.

But I am also crazy, so i could be wrong.

At 11:44 AM , Blogger GC said...

Ninjas vs Pirates

One of my favorites

Need to own this one, I think

At 11:44 AM , Blogger GC said...

Oh...and pirates are way kooler than ninjas. And you can't argue with me 'cause I know kung-fu.....

At 5:33 AM , Blogger rp said...

It doesn't matter which is cooler, both will be assimilated. I will have a pirate ship that transforms into a robot, and 5 ninja-bots who combine to form Miyagicus. bow down to the pound!

At 11:31 AM , Blogger Bill said...

This one is for RP.

We Love Ya!!

At 6:29 PM , Blogger rp said...

Yes, robots need hugs and we hug back as well. Plus we promise not crush your internal organs when we do!


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