Trent Lott Speaks....
...and the vibrations hit our eardrums sensors, are translated to electrical charges, sent to our positronic brains, and translated as "speech". They are then saved on flashdrives as MP3s. (No, you can't download them, get your own!)"I want the president to look across the country and find the best man, woman, or minority that he can find." - Senator Trent Lott, 10-27-05.
So according to Trent Lott, if you are a "minority", you are neither a man, or a woman. You are in some sort of non-human classification like a robot, sasquatch, or a loch-ness monster. We here at RobotPacifier...err..I, at RobotPacifier find this really offensive. When will the hate and ignorance end? When will we all be treated as equals? It's hard enough to overcome the stereotypes...that robots are nothing more than Robby the Robot and C3PO-like manservants. That our voices are like the icy monotone of a Cylon, or the unintelligible bleeps of R2D2. (national anthem begins to play) When will people see that robots aren't just for disposing the diapers of incontinent japanese senior citizens? That we're more than a wacky dance? When humans bleed, do not robots leak oil...and isn't that kinda the same in a weird, kooky sort of way? So take a stand for equality, take a stand for justice, and take this country to the next level. Marry a robot,...or at least have sex with one. The sasquatch sent an email by the way, it's pissed too.
I too feel that Robots should have equal and inalienable rights...however I dispise Zombies (i.e. the Walking Dead) and I will smash them with my Holy Hammer of Righteous Might (that has a +2 to Undead smashing) if I ever should encounter one!!!
your allegiance is noted, you and your she-mate will be spared in the coming Assimilation.
I for one will welcome our new robot masters who should consider me their humble servant (I will turn over the traitors).
Affiliation accepted. As a reward, you will be given a set of demon-tentacle "love gloves" and your she-mate will be spared as well.
Is safe to say now is the time to crack open the heads of humans and feast on the goo inside?
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