Thanks to the DJ for his comments. The quotes or paraphrases about the poor are from republican coworkers of mine. When they complain about money going to the poor, it seems to be in the context of "why should I give money to lazy people who don't deserve it when I work so hard?" That's an obviously simplistic way of viewing things. Feel free to go down that path in the comments. The path that I would like to point out to them is "corporate welfare" (is that the right phrase?) For instance, in Eric Schlosser's book, Fast Food Nation, he writes that McDonalds receives money from the government for selling french fries in Europe. Does McD's really need our tax money to do that? Bob Dole, remember him?, he gets $90,000 from the government for having a ranch. I can't remember the exact reason why, the point being, obviously our tax money is given to people who really don't need it, namely rich people, corporations, etc... So if anyone has some examples of "corporate welfare", please comment.And to go off on another bend, I agree that it wouldn't be bad for poor people to benefit from taxes. That would be ideal. My republican coworkers feel it's a foregone conclusion that poor people would not use it to better themselves.