Monday, September 18, 2006

Stimulus Lateralus

My response to R&R's response to my rant about Tool...

Right, though on a seperate point, I disagree that we don’t want heroes. We like winners. We like Alpha-Monkeys. Who watches football games with the intent to celebrate their teams’ loss? I think we want heroes and martyrs.

I was expressing my dismay that some fans hold Tool to a nebulous standard of behavior that they never promised to live up to in the first place.


At 5:21 AM , Blogger Bill said...

Winners are not heroes. The monkeys giving the play by play might call them that, but they are not heroes in the way that humanity needs.

And my response was a bit left field. ;-) I was just framing it in a larger picture and went a bit off topic.

But yeah...the same can be said about almost any band that has such a cult following as Tool and NIN. The fans/industry hold them to expectations that they don't want and/or don't care about. And then everyone gets their panties in a wad when the expectations aren't met.

I just kinda point and laugh.

At 9:22 PM , Blogger rp said...

left field is good. it's an interesting topic...because we monkeys form societies to increase survival and then the question forms...on what basis do we act? whose lead do we follow? what's right and what's wrong? the individual's rights vs. the well-being of society... it's good we question these things rather than the "right-wing" who fears "relativity."


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