saw Tool live at the American Airlines Center.setlist as best as I can remember.
UPDATE: found two bootlegs on youtube from the concert and they're more listenable than being there. fuck.
Stinkfist (Extended Version) check it here
The Pot
46+2 (honestly, Adam, ten years, and you still can't nail that part over the drums solo, wtf?)
Voice of God
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned (of what was discernable, good performance)here with footage from the quay brothers' City of Crocodiles
Wings for Marie
10,000 Days
Between each song were little jams...sounds like they've been listening to Aphex Twin and It was so loud, I couldn't hear it, it was mostly noise. The guitar washed over everything, plus I had some tool fans screaming every lyric, off key and off time, to my right and front. These fans were such fans that when the girl scratches her ass all the way through Schism, it's not scratching her ass, it has a deeper meaning.
I think the kid next to me almost achieved pure energy (he of tonedeaf and no time), if he didn't have to stop to repeatedly apologize for slamming into me.
I get more out of watching bootlegs from cellphones on Youtube.
and here's a rant to no one in particular...
It bores the shit out of me to hear "Tool is greedy", "Tool is bullshit", "Tool won't fight Ticketmaster". (but it doesn't bore to rant about people who say such things) You go fight Ticketmaster, you're the consumer, get active. I guess spending tons of money on lasers, and synchronized videos is greedy. I guess it is selling out to sell an album every five years, to have the songs be no less than 6 minutes long and to be in multiple time signatures(Rosetta Stoned goes from 4/4 to 5/4 to 11/8 and back again). I really hate seeing Tool on Saturday Night Live, at every fucking MTV award show, on Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and at the Grammy's every year, it sucks, why don't they give it a rest? Honestly, how many times can you have Lorne Micheals do his saxophone solo during H live? Ridiculous.
It's funny to me that Tool's main message is "figure it out for yourself", yet fans hear this and go "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! PLEASE EXPLAIN!" It's not bullshit, they've told you what it is. As Danny puts its, (paraphrasing here) "four musicians in a room and the music is the result of our chemistry". As simple as that. They're not going to dictate the meaning or lead the way, that's your job, not theirs. I don't "get Tool", but I get my own personal sense of satsifaction out of it. Yet alot of the fans don't listen. This rant was for my own selfish need to blather about things that don't matter. Hey, there's still a war on, and W is still president
, wtf?
Hehehe... the guy at the train station got to you, huh? :)
And yes... they are all monkeys...
lol...yes, that monkey complained and then this robot-monkey complained about his complaining. silly monkeys! ;)
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