Tuesday, July 18, 2006


First, let me say that I appreciate everyone's comments on my latest pieces. I especially would like to thank Theresa for her constant support and interest in my work, whether it's the cartoon, digital pieces, or paintings. Yes, I want to know what you think and what you feel about my work. Personally, I don't believe art exists in a void, I think art needs an audience...which brings me to my second point....

When you post a comment or interpretation of a piece, I'm just going to say thanks or something to that effect. The reason being that I don't want take away from how someone interprets the work. I don't want there to be a sense of right or wrong about what it means to the viewer. But rest assured, I don't do this as some sort of joke, or that I'm mocking what someone thinks because it's secretly all meaningless. Sometimes, I'm inspired, I just lay down the elements, and a meaning becomes apparent at the end. Other times, I may just think something looks cool and that's it. Although I do several pieces that have a specific theme or intentional meaning, it's rare. These pieces, for whatever reason, don't resonate with people, it's like thinking about it too much kills it.

I like having elements that people recognize as it helps communicate something and it gives the viewer a starting point, a reference to begin with, lately women and robots. I also like incorporating more abstract or design-like elements such as the "geometry" (credit goes to IL DR for coining this term). So the elements are intentional but their relation to each other is up to the interpretation of the viewer.

As time passes, the meanings change for me as well. There's no static definition.


At 8:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what I thought. I just wanted to be sure before I go off running my mouth. ;-)


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