exploding dog
here. This is pretty awful. An ex-husband punishes his ex-wife by mailing a bomb inside a robot dog to her brother, which kills him.
some excerpts...
Later that year, the couple moved to Brooklyn, N.Y., where Chang had lived before. There, the documents say, he beat her twice and they argued. She left him once and returned to San Jose, where she began dating another man.
In March, 1999, as Wendy Hsu and her then boyfriend John Vo were driving in San Jose, Chang chased them in his car and forced them to stop by nearly running them off the road.
Wendy told investigators that during that pursuit, Chang yelled that somebody in her family "is going to die."
Chang was arrested in that incident and charged with stalking, making terrorist threats and being under the influence of a controlled substance. He later pleaded guilty to making terrorist threats and last October was placed on three years probation.
Despite those legal troubles, Chang persuaded Wendy to marry him in November 1999, but they divorced three months later.Obviously, he's disturbed but so is the woman who invited him into her life...how do these people find each other?...what was going throught this woman's mind?..."He's the one! He's the one I want to spend my life with! He beats me, follows me three thousand miles, chases me, threatens to kill my family...He's the only one who could be my husband!"
Serial killers get love letters and marry in prison. Richard Ramirez and Ted Bundy had lots of women showing up at the court professing their love. It's disturbing where the human mind can go, and that it can go anywhere.
wakamura says
you've been served...and check out this kick ass
hot robot action
re: robot sex...
we've discussed it, the japanese are taking steps to make it happen, check it out
Insane Flying Cat Helicopter
from Dainese Motosport...
"Has been born to 70’s and the 80’s early times friend, probably all cannot forget the machine cat the happy memory which brings to us. In the book most let us dismiss from mind with difficulty perhaps is hundred valuable bags of inside one each one marvelous tool, was a pity in reality life their function certainly cannot realize."
so the tools are marvelous, but can't be used in "reality life"? then what makes them marvelous?...and where are these hundred valuable bags? in the insane flying cat hanger?.... that must be part of the insanity.
Week Links
Some links from Dainese Motosport...
Robot Skin:Robot Surgery success:Buddhabot:and one from me...
A Fully Autonomous Robot Builds Its Own Brain and Learns from Scratchon robot skin...it will be interesting to see the possibilities for the use of the robot skin on prosthetics for humans. an experiment was already done in which a monkey successfully operated a robot arm through the microchip implanted in it's brain. if the robot skin could communicate to the wearer's brain, if a two way form of communication could be made, i guess "handicapped" people would need a new word to describe their situation...possibly "cyberized", i don't know. i imagine that porn will actually take advantage of this new technology as well, creating a whole new genre of cyborg porn. add another fetish to the alt.binaries list. new ethical questions would also arise...would it be okay to amputate a perfectly healthy limb if the patient requested it, just so that patient could replace it with a robot limb? for solely cosmetic and aesthetic purposes?
Shooting an elephant..
Excerpt from "Everything you presume is wrong", the intro letter to the Juxtapoz Magazine Sept/Oct. 2005 issue, by Robert Williams...
When I was the art director for Roth Studios, one of the top-selling T-shirts designs was a cartoon image of a knight in armor, holding a lance with a banner that read, "DO UNTO OTHERS AND THEN SPLIT." The shirt design was a favorite and sold in the thousands. The next logical step in the design was to make an improved version, depicting a new knight image, this time in accurate period-perfect Renaissance armor which stressed the manliness of the figure. The shirt was produced and the sales proved it to be a flop. The earlier crude design was put back on the market, and, to our surprise, the sales once again climbed. What was the charm of the original retarded design? It shows how people think in symbols. This was very disappointing to me. I came to see successful art as the consequence of popularism-stupid sells.
My answer to this, and the only way I can gain emotional solace, is to take this lack of accuracy (and the lack of right and wrong) in the psychological and physical realm of poetic anarchy. An elephant isn't really an elephant just because it has big ears, tusks, and a trunk. It's an elephant because millions of people have agreed the word "elephant" doesn't mean giraffe. The space, mass, and volume which that pachyderm takes up is the "elephant." The negative vacuum left by the absence of the animal is the "not elephant."
I think everyone has had people tell them something that sticks with you through the years...share if you like...
here's some of mine.
"Attention is attention, even if it's bad attention"
"You'll be a slave, a well paid slave, but still a slave."
"Sometimes i would start fights, just cause i was bored."
"He's not gay, he's not straight...he's just fucked up."
Terrorists love Harry Potter
check this out...
hereapparently, some of the prisoners at Gitmo love reading Harry Potter. This caught my eye because it seemed like a bizarre juxtaposition next to the news i regularly hear about...Korans being flushed, torture, etc. I suppose it is true/could be true but part me thinks that somewhere in washington a conversation like this happened..
(from the Tinfoil Hat-Based Community.)
Man in Black 1:We're getting some bad press on Gitmo. Let's tell the public that Abdul and the gang love that magic boy...Harry Bottoms.
Man in Black 2:You mean Harry Potter?
MIB1: We'll get intel to confirm that name. Let's make a press release.
MIB2: You think people will buy that?
MIB1: Pet rocks,...man, people used to sell pet rocks. what do you think?
Dave has provided some interesting links. Dainese makes awesome motocycle riding gear. The factory uses 5 robots. Unfortunately, there is no info on what they look like or what they do. But check out the room full of riding gear. Very cool.
hmmm...aim didn't save that part of the conversation..i'll have to post the links later.
"...aaaand we're back"
david and penny matostakis have returned safely from Europe. Apparently in Europe, the color brown equals terrorist so adjust your outer shell color to blue, mauve, tope, or what have you to avoid harrassment. here the links he's provided...
Check out this interesting robot
gallery(lots of art and models of old school 50's style bots. you can find some neat icons
Robots helping
people(US naval robot aids russians trapped in sub)
Robot mind
clones:(an interesting article on the future use and development of robots and their practical role in society.)
catchers:(a robot hand that can catch a baseball.)
and finally
a green robot:(a security robot that can run for a week on a fuel cell)
robot sub rescuemore sub rescue