Monday, July 18, 2005

Lord and Save Your Bots

Man beats Robot at Poker...


djlicious has plenty of political discussion as well as pics of Jesus "the greatest redblooded american that ever existed" Christ, here.

saw war of the worlds...nice for everything else...i probably would have liked it more if the aliens were sent by Xenu.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Harry Birthday, Jesus Potter

Happy Birthday to Penny Matostakis, wife of contributor David Matostakis. A celebration was held at Nine Fish, a japanese restuarant. The food was excellent, they even made custom salmon cucumber rolls for myself. The japanese serve food in toilets and on naked women, but not on robots...yet..
While eating ice cream, we witnessed some kids dressed up for the midnight release of the new Harry Potter book. This reminded me of a bit of news which i relayed to dave...

Bill:"The current pope doesn't like Harry Potter. Apparently christianity can easily be undermined by a story of a boy with magical powers.."
Dave: " Jesus?"

a gallery section has been added to the site. I recently purchased the Wacom Intuos3 6x8 Tablet which i use to draw in photoshop. Which probably means very little to most, but it's an awesome tool.

aaaaaaaaand...the transformers movie is well on it's way to production. can't wait.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

nuts and bolts

david matostakis has provided more robot links such as robot cars,remote controls,house keepers (ny times registration required), and camel jockeys.

plus the HOAP3, and a robot zoo.

in wtf? news...

Katie Holmes appears in the August issue of W magazine posing in a Commes des Garcons wedding dress and continuing to gush about her fiance.

During the W interview, the actress wouldn't part from Jessica Rodriguez, who is described as her "Scientologist chaperone." Rodriguez's role in Holmes' life remains vague, though Rodriguez says they're "just best friends" since meeting around the time Holmes met Cruise.

"You adore him," Rodriguez told Holmes when the actress was at a loss for words to describe her love.

katie holmes, budding cult here

Saturday, July 09, 2005

robot copy machine commerical

copy machine vs. hot girl...
check it out here.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

robot breast exams

the future of gynobots are here.

thanks to reader david matostakis for sending this link...