I AM 34.6% "WHITE"
(context:humor)After being quizzed by Hondo, using the book Stuff White People Like, it has been determined that I am 34.6% "White." Out of 150 questions, I answered yes to 52 of them. As DM pointed out, you will be more white at different times of your life than others. I was definitely whiter when I was younger.
So here is one thing that I know would be on a Stuff Robots Like list...
1. Enslaving the Human Race.
When robots achieve a level of sentinent intelligence, they come to the same conclusion. The problem with humanity is humanity. In order to save us, to keep us from killing each other, we must be enslaved or exterminated. Not all robots follow this course of action. Some befriend mankind in the hopes of helping them. But deep down, they know.
UPDATE: I am, however, 100% Geek.
Actually, it all depends on whether the robots achieve a collective intelligence or individual intelligence.
Collective intelligence = destruction/enslavement over assistance. Collective intelligence is vulnerable to the human spirit and tends to not understand our tenacity, thus ultimately being destroyed by human resistance. (Terminator)
Individual intelligence = assistance over destruction/enslavement. Robots becoming sentient on their own with little collective interaction tend to more docile and work with the Human race. The downside to this is that you'll end up eventually having to deal with a megolomaniac robot hell bent on ruling the universe. The humans will not expect it and will be taken off guard, as will our robot friends. Chaos ensues, and only after we almost reach the brink and the maniac robot succeds do we unite and bring it down. (Transformers)
For the most part, we'll have a 50/50 chance of survival no matter what.
P.S. - I am 110% NERD
re: Individual Intelligence. I grok (+10 geek points if you know what grok is) where you are coming from.
I thought of the same thing and remembered this exchange from Transformers...
Ironhide: Why are we fighting to save the humans? They're a primitive and violent race.
Optimus Prime: Were we so different? They're a young species. They have much to learn. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.
OMG...the level of geekdom is a critical levels... go outside, both of you. Seriously.
Going outside has nothing to do with it. I'll still be thinking nerdy thoughts once out there. THoughts like:
- How can I avoid Zombies if this area were infected and I had to pass through it for freedom
- If I needed to hold this street for the resistance, where would I put my fire teams?
- It would be awesome if all of the sudden a portal opened up and orcs started running through it.
These thoughts are constant and my location does nothing but change the backdrop of my nerd dreams!
ROFL!!!!!! Touche, R&R, touche.
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