southern fried hate machine...
Plan to Show Confederate Flag Draws Heat, from yahoo, Ill. - An organizer of a planned memorial to honor Confederate soldiers who died at an Illinois prison camp says the rebel flag will be displayed at the memorial's dedication, despite opposition.
"We consider this an honorable flag. This is a soldier's flag," said Ron Casteel, national chief of staff for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, one of the memorial's planners. "There will be no substitute."
"There will be no substitute.", Ron, pardon me if I'm not overpowered by the power of your're so..masterful? is that the right word?. Well, let's get past the platitudes and complete the thought, Ron, what did the soldiers die for? THE RIGHT FOR WHITE PEOPLE TO ENSLAVE, MURDER, AND RAPE BLACK PEOPLE AT THEIR WHIM. Maybe Ron will wear his KKK hat at the ceremony too...
This vague language really irritates me..."soldier's flag"...he completely bypasses what it stands for. Replace Sons of Backwoods-Inbred Murderers with Sons of The Third Reich and you'll see what I mean. And his challenge of a closer..."no substitute"...he's trying to convince people by his emotional appeal rather than the substance of the issue at hand.
And to complete my rant, another phrase that kills me is "people of faith". We all heard this over and over again when the right wing was at the forefront of the media with regard to prayer in schools. What the fuck does that phrase mean? Does that include jews, muslims, or christian parishes that believe in evolution and not hating gay people? No, it does not. It specifically refers to conservative-christian-southern-baptist-evolution-and-science-hating -supplysidejesus-loving-bigots.
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