conscientious objections
Apparently, in some states, people want laws to be passed that would allow a pharmacist the right to refuse birth control on the grounds that it would violate his pro-life beliefs.Who would monitor the pharmacist to make sure the right isn't abused? If the pharmacist has the right to discriminate in selling birth control pills, does that give the pharmacy the right to discriminate in who it hires as a pharmacist? Wouldn't it be fair to give the pharmacy the right to not hire a person who wouldn't sell birth control, if the pharmacy wants to make the pills available?
Another aspect is allowing emergency medical technicians the right to not administer aid if the patient/victim doesn't live by their "morals" and "values". So basically if you are in a car accident and you have a Kerry 04 sticker on your car, if the EMT is a republican, you're fucked. Now, they can't implicitly say republicans have the right not help those liberal, muslim, latte-drinking homos so the language is vague. But does anyone really want a law like this? Conversely, if you're a elitist-coastal-latte sipping-liberal-EMT, you could legally let a republican-far-rightwing-neocon choke to death.
I think it's a crazy law, possibly not meant to be passed but to curry favor with the "value voters".
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