Thursday, May 19, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

I saw Star Wars Episode 3-Revenge of the Sith today...
The special effects...amazing. the backgrounds, fight scenes, and sets were fantastic.
The acting...the only thing that stood out as really bad was Darth's "Nooooo!"
But I don't expect great acting from Star Wars, it's more about the whole story
than character development.
""This is how liberty dies: with thundering applause."-great political parallels to
our current situation in Iraq, "war on terra", etc. General Grievous easily parallels Osama Bin Laden/Al-quida.
“Because this is the back story (of the Star Wars saga), one of the main features of the back story was to tell how the Republic became the Empire,” Lucas says. “At the time I did that, it was during the Vietnam War and the Nixon era. The issue was: How does a democracy turn itself over to a dictator? Not how does a dictator take over but how does a democracy and Senate give it away?”

Lucas cited the Roman Empire in the wake of Caesar’s death, France after the Revolution and Germany with the rise of Hitler as historical examples of countries giving themselves over to dictators. “They all seem to happen in the same way with the same issues: Threats from the outside; they need more control; and a democratic body not being able to function properly because everybody’s squabbling.”

Overall, a redeeming movie considering how bad the first two episodes were.
I don't think it was as good as Empire Strikes Back but it's a close second.

Plenty of robots, no robot-sex. I'd see it again.


At 5:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't think it was as good as Empire Strikes Back but it's a close second." Blasphemous!

This movie wasn't even as good as A New Hope. Obviously, Empire was the best, but how can you call this a "CLOSE" second?

At 9:58 AM , Blogger rp said... after reading Theresa's passionate review of Revenge of the Sith, here, I realized something..I am not the Star Wars fan I thought I was. I agree with all her criticism but because I saw it just to experience a little pop culture, I didn't have high expectations as a real fan would, hence my blasphemous review("Echuta!".."How rude!"). So for those who know more than me, I have some questions...How did the Jedi not see how messed up Anakin was? How was it possible for Darth Sidious to hide his true self and rise to be a senator without the Jedi's detection? How many Jedi are there,and how many were wiped out? What kind of name is Count Dooku?, (sounds like dooky)

At 8:26 AM , Blogger Bill said...

Hit up for your answers!

At 4:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:08 PM , Blogger rp said...

how rude!


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