Friday, May 18, 2007


"I don't think Osama bin Laden sent those planes in to attack us because he hated our freedom. I think he did it because of our support for Israel, and our ties with the Saudi family and all our military bases in Saudi Arabia. You know why I think that? Because that's what he fucking said! Are we a nation of 6-year-olds? Answer: yes."-David Cross

particularly in Texas...

"People say you can't legislate morality, well I think you can." - Gov. Rick Perry. He really said that. It gives me chills. wtf?

one bill recently passed allows religious expression in school, particularly the ability to express a religious viewpoint about secular matters (wink wink nudge nudge evolution cough cough) but supposedly, there are limits. The evangelizing...i'm sorry, i mean religious speech, cannot discriminate against homosexuals. right. here's how I think that will go...

Student: "God hates fags."
Teacher:"Jimmy, you can't say that."
Student: "What? I'm (insert anti-homosexual religion here), I'm just expressing my faith. It's the law."

and then there's Ordinance 2903, which bans illegal immigrants from renting apartments in Farmers Branch. Hello landlords, you are the new border guard in the war on illegal alien terror! Gee, this won't be used to discriminate against hispanics, or any else who isn't white.

Landlord: "Are you sure this is valid?"
Possible One of "Them": "I was born in Richardson."
Landlord: "I don't know, I'm gonna call the cops."

So the nation quietly allows illegal immigrants to serve as a form of cheap labor which brings down the costs of goods and now it's time to kick them out? Not gonna happen. Business owners want their cheap labor and the politicians they support will slowly find the compromise that pleases them and the ignorant racist voters.


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